James Mao 寫:
Kim Cheung 寫:
Thank you, John. I agree totally it's an ugly picture (and thanks Kaja from removing it). I meant to post it as a plead for advise.
The condition was very adverse. The room was very dark but the stage light is on and very orange. The best equipment I have is only a 80-200mm F2.8 Nikon lens, with a Nikon D90. No tripod, no flash allowed. Even with 3200 ISO, s-stop pushed down to 1/30, the picture were all under-exposed and blurry. In desperation, I rested the camera on a counter, set the timer on automatic and take 10 pictures at a time, and f-stop 1/15 (in the hope that it would not be underexposed too much). Even then, I was able to pick out only 1 shot (the ugly picture you saw). If I use a faster shutter (like Mr. Chan advise me to do), I will be seriously underexposed and because of the dominance of the orange color, I was afraid post-processing won't be able to correct the under-exposure.
What should I have done? Use a higher shutter-speed and deal with the under-exposure later? Or just give up and go buy a D4?
Sorry. At first, I was told she wasn't to sing. So I didn't want to bother you. Then they were late and decided to compensate for it by entertaining us with couple of songs. I have never heard her sing and I wanted to try my hands on recording the moment. But that damn orange light,,,