Yuhong 寫:
Kim Cheung 寫:
first of all, this guy did not use a 35mm SLR, but a medium format Contax 645 with Zeiss 80mm/2.0 lens. the result might be more convincing if he used a Hasselblad with digital back, in place of the canon 5D2.
second, this guy talked about skin tone/hi-lights, which can be altered during the post-process. and he used different labs to get the results!
what I like about the digital photography is that it conveniently gives the artists the full control of the whole process. As far as I know, even back in the early days of digital photography when film was still superior, some people would like to scan their negatives or slides to get the digital files, then do the post-processing themselves.

Ok, if you want 35mm comparison, try:
http://www.twinlenslife.com/2011/01/dig ... ii-vs.htmlGranted, digital is convenient. But if you look at some of the pictures we saw last Friday at the salon meeting, you would appreciate why film isn't going away for some people.
The post-processing portion applies to both digital and film. That's not the issue.
BTW: As I was reading through articles regarding the issue at hand, I came across these breath taking pictures:
http://www.arizonahighways.com/images/p ... index.htmlDigital, film, as long as people can turn out pictures like these...