根據Steve Lin的email,侯先生追思禮拜的時間為十月二十三日(星期日)下午二時三十分,地點為 Evangelical Formosan Church Los Angeles, 9537 Telstar Avenue, El Monte, California 詳情如下:
MEMORIAL SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT A beloved husband and father, Mr. En-Huan Hou, passed away at 5:40 a.m. on October 8th, 2011, at the age of 77. An outgoing person, he had a good sense of humor and passion for photography. Throughout his life, whether it was his career or hobby, he would always focus on any task with utmost diligence and sense of responsibility. He was the president of the Taiwanese American Photography Association, and as such, he enjoyed sharing his passion and knowledge of photography with anyone who wished to spend time to explore this artistic field. He is well-respected and admired by many, and will be dearly remembered and missed by more. The memorial service will be held at 2:30 p.m., on Sunday, October 23th, 2011, at Evangelical Formosan Church Los Angeles, 9537 Telstar Avenue, El Monte, California. A photo exhibit will immediately follow, and "The Missing Man" airshow over the church will complete the service to lead him to the house of our Heavenly Father. Lee June Hou, wife Mindi Liao, daughter Joshua S. Liao, son-in-law (deceased) with Timothy H. Liao, grandson, and Jessica H. Liao, granddaughter Min-Ling Ni, daughter Michael B. Ni, son-in-law with Steven Ni, grandson, and Jonathan Ni, grandson Robin M. Hou, son Christina Hou, daughter-in-law with Benjamin Hou, grandson, and Scott W. Hou, grandson Barry Y. Hou, son Michelle Hou, daughter-in-law with Kevin Hou, grandson, and Elaine Hou, granddaughter Contact: Mindi Liao (626) 616-5156 EFCLA (626) 450-7676 - All monetary gifts will be donated to UCLA Liver Transplant Program. 訃聞 先夫侯英煥於西元二零一一年十月八日上午五時四十分歸回天家安息主懷,享年七十七歲。他為人平易近人,幽默風趣,一生辛勤事業,晚年熱心於攝影學會,樂於和人分享攝影作品與心得,是位甚得眾人敬重與喜愛的好夥伴。 謹訂於二零一一年十月廿三日下午二時半整,假美國洛杉磯台福基督教會舉行追思禮拜,同時舉辦先生攝影作品之紀念展及義賣。會後亦有飛行送別禮之儀式向先生致敬送行。 姻親 誼哀此訃戚友 妻 侯李容 長女 侯敏慧 率 孫 廖顯理 孫女 廖顯倫 婿 廖述佑(歿) 次女 侯敏玲 率 孫 倪子傑 倪子翔 婿 倪伯亮 長子 侯敏中 率 孫 侯佁任 侯佳任 媳 張 潔 次子 侯敏元 率 孫 侯凱文 孫女 侯愷濱 媳 劉 嬌 族繁不及備載 聯絡人:侯敏慧 (626) 616-5156 追思禮拜地址:洛杉磯台福基督教會 Evangelical Formosan Church Los Angeles 9537 Telstar Avenue El Monte, CA 91731 (626) 450-7676 懇辭花圈花籃,若蒙賜慰金,將轉為UCLA 肝臟移植醫療之捐獻。