好萊鄔影藝人員紅地毯音樂服裝秀係列展(2)4/29/2011更新【影星伊利沙白泰勒追思】 為影星伊利沙白泰勒追思靜禱祈福音樂服裝秀
Thank You for the amazing & overwhelming turnout at AQUA Lounge - Beverly Hills by some of the most incredible individuals anyone would be honored to call friend! What a beautiful tribute to such a celebrated life! Elizabeth Taylor Memorial AIDS Benefit God Bless those friends who went out of their way to show their kindness support for so memorable an event! Sending You Peace & Love ~ David Harrison Levi STARMAKER☆ Elizabeth Taylor Memorial AIDS Benefit ☆ David Harrison Levi STARMAKER☆
A wonderful night with memory, pray and love through my lens.
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_________________ 哈佛演藝攝影家團隊【海內存知己--影友!天涯若比鄰--相聚!】