Hello, Kenny
I would like to encourage you again to submit any images you would like considered for our upcoming fall and winter projects. All submissions should be in the form of TIFF files or larger, separated in folders by camera, on a CD or DVD. Of course all images must be taken with Nikon equipment. As we will begin planning for these projects in the coming months, I urge you to begin compiling your submissions and mailing them to arrive to me by mid September if possible. On that note, please don’t wait until mid September to submit images as we will begin placing images between now and then for all upcoming projects. If you have recently submitted images to me, and have nothing more at the time to send in, please know that what you have already sent will be considered for these projects as well. Please note that any images featuring recognizable faces will need to be released. If you are missing releases on any images of this nature, please do not send them in for consideration as we will be unable to use them.
We are also coming into a busy tradeshow season, please be expecting an additional email outlining the procedures for submitting images to be considered for use at any of our upcoming shows as these images will need to be treated as a separate submission.
-Submit a minimum of 5 images from which we may select and produce graphics for viewing in the Nikon Digital SLR Photographer’s Gallery and Booth.
- Clearly label your final submissions with: Name, # of Images submitted, and specify camera/lens/speedlight & ISO used for each image.
For best quality reproduction, we request that the following formats be submitted:
1. Submit largest megabyte NEF file the camera will take. Second to NEF files are files saved originally by the camera as TIFFs – least desirable is the JPG format.
2. If you submit a file that you have retouched, please supply both the original camera file and the retouched file.