International Photographers Association of Los Angeles 洛杉磯國際攝影家協會

We don't make a photograph just with a camera; we bring to the act of photography all the books we have read, the movies we have seen, the music we have heard, the people we have loved. -Ansel Adams
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05/26/2023 Friday 7:30-9:00PM Raul Roa "Neutrality in Photojournalism" 《新聞攝影的中立性》。 Although we all have our political, medical and personal views on many things, a photojournalist must maintain neutrality to avoid bias in your work. Separate your personal feelings from your work and your photos will be much better. Every one welcome, Snake served。儘管我們對許多事情都有自己的政治、醫學和個人觀點,但攝影記者必須保持中立,以免在工作中出現偏見。 把你的個人感受和你的工作分開,你的照片會好很多。讲座备有点心, 欢迎参加。

Raul Roa is a photo editor for L.A. Times en Español and the Fast Break Desk, the Los Angeles Times’ breaking news team. He has been with The Times since 2009. Raul Roa 是 L.A. Times en Español 和洛杉磯時報突發新聞團隊 Fast Break Desk 的圖片編輯。 他自 2009 年以來一直在時報工作。

Location:Live Oak Park - Camellia Room, 10144 Bogue St. Temple City CA 91780
Online Zoom ... hqTE1VZz09
Meeting ID: 824 5373 5585 Passcode: 111111

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