毎次看到好莱坞大片/商业片中美轮美奂的场景时, 就会对摄影师的功力佩服得五体投地, 总希望有一个当面请教的机会. 这次有幸为大家請来了一位好莱坞电影制片厂的资深电影摄影师/摄影导演(DP): Mr. Carl Bartels 谈谈摄影中的"光和影" Carl 是近年卖座动作片"Taken" 和"Taken 2" 的摄影师, 他将向我们展示他几十年用光的经验与心得, 这是我们安居在洛杉矶的摄影人近水楼台的大好机会
此次讲座全程英语, 以下为作品简介:
http://www.carlbartels.com/reel.phpCarl attended the American Film Institute in Los Angeles as a Cinematography fellow. He has since shot over 25 feature films and numerous shorts, including the award winning Sundance selection, Offside. His commercial spots include Six Flags Connecticut, Clear Channel Media, Pep Boys and Hewlett-Packard.
Carl’s documentary work has taken him all over the world, most recently for Craig Rosebraugh’s Dirty, Lying Bastards, a harsh look at the oil industry and its effect on climate change.
Carl has two written two screenplays: The Palio, a modern-day love story set within the walls of a Medieval town, and Comet Line, based on the true story of a World War II heroine.
希望IPALA会员们提早出门, 留足时间, 以便优先入座. 我们7:30pm准时开始. 为了不影响他人, 尽量不迟到, 请您手机务必静音! NO Talking Please......