早上陈铭堂先生来电告知此事,十分震惊。上facebook,看到他朋友们的悼念文字,现摘录如下: Keith Williams So sorry to learn of the passing of Per Volquartz - a wonderful teacher, a sweet man who lived in the tradition of the very greatest photographer-teachers. A true teacher gives away all his secrets, and that was Per. Now all we have are his wonderful images and anecdotes form our gatherings.
Nery Angeles All the good ones die first..Your kindness will be remembered..There will be cookies in heaven for my dear sweet friend. Missing you Per...
Wilbur Wong I am sadden to my very core at the lost of my dearest friend. All that he has helped me find in myself and in my art will continue to grow. His sense of our community and humanity that he shared with us will endure forever.
Vicki Sellers I am sorry for your loss. I only knew Per through friends, but felt he had enriched my life through others.
Glenn Steiner Another great master has passed away. Bless him. I shall miss his gentle guidance, Danish sense of humor and sharing frikadelle and rotkoell with him at Mono Lake. Damn. We who studied with him shall carry on the best traditions that he shared with us.
Becky Lee Sapp I heart is heavy with sorrow but blessed to have know Per Volquartz. I will miss you dear friend.
Jewels Coetze Per I talk to you 3 days ago, you said you were sick, I told you to rest but not that way my Dear friend, I will miss you dearly you were always there for me and you gave me all you trust RIP and don't forget.....I won't forget Jewels xxx
Carol Miller We at Flutot's Camera Repair.. Sends Our Deepest Thoughts and Sympathy to your family all your friends!! We will miss you!!
Ted Stoddard WOW what you have taught me in the last few months have been the greatest times of my life. Per I will miss you deeply each and everyday you will always be my friend and mentor I will never forget you!! I love and miss you always
Thomas Bertilsson Per, I will never forget your generosity toward me, and other students of photography. Rest in peace, and to all those that love Per, family and friends, I send my deepest sympathies.
James Wang My condolences to the family of Per Volquartz, a great photographer who passed away this morning from natural causes. Per is a great master of photography whom I've had the pleasure to learn from.
Chu Kenny My sympathy to him and his family. He is a well respected photographer.
Matthew Blais Farewell my friend, my inspiration, my mentor...I will miss your laugh and guidance dear Per...
Frank J Mallie A truely great mentor and wonderful firend. I will miss the sparkle in his eye, the yellow cost, and his spirit. I feel blessed for being able to spend time with him. My deepest simpathies to Becky and Christian.