International Photographers Association of Los Angeles 洛杉磯國際攝影家協會

We don't make a photograph just with a camera; we bring to the act of photography all the books we have read, the movies we have seen, the music we have heard, the people we have loved. -Ansel Adams
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文章發表於 : 週五 5月 27, 2011 4:32 pm 

註冊時間: 週四 2月 15, 2007 12:56 pm
文章: 5438
The Mystery of the Southwest
A workshop in Santa Fe, New Mexico, with Per Volquartz (photographer), Ronnie Layden (photographer, painter, gallery owner) and Linda Craig (photographer's rep).

October 10 - 14, 2011
Fee, including all materials, except film: $495

This workshop will be a 50-50 mix of practical photography and concept / idea development.

Shooting will take place in a structured environment every AM. Afternoons will be spent in discussions, presentations and image analysis.
In the evening you can process sheet film in a Jobo drum (4X5 and 5X7 only) using Pyro Rollo and TF-4 fixer.
In addition, one afternoon will be spent doing platinum printing from your negative(s). Paper and platinum / palladium included.
Each person should be able to return home with at least one platinum print.


• Aspens in full color
• St. Francis Cathedral Basilica
• Native American Artisan Model working in a natural setting (We are hiring a model / real person)
• Bandelier National Monument
• El Santuario de Chimayo


• To observe and find the essence of a given scene
• To select the most effective lens / camera combination
to capture this essense
• Composition as it relates to subject matter / content
• To look at and analyze a photographic print

For more information please visit:

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