沙龙准备参加本周日(6月6日)The Temecula Valley气球节 (The Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival ) 建议入场时间上午7:00 前
本活动出行以自驾和集体拼车相结合的形式。 请每人带一份食品,大家中午一起分享,我负责买啤酒和可乐。
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=951+E+Lambert,+brea,+CA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=30.819956,56.162109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=951+E+Lambert+Rd,+Brea,+Orange,+California+92821&z=16General Information
FESTIVAL LOCATION: Lake Skinner Recreation Area 37701 Warren Rd. Winchester, CA 92596
GATES OPEN: 5:00 PM Friday, 6:00 AM Saturday and Sunday
HOURS: Friday - 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM, Saturday - 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM, Sunday - 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
ANIMALS: Animals are NOT allowed in the Festival Area and SHOULD NOT be left in vehicles.
Friday: $22.00 adults youth 7-12 $5.00 and children 6 and under FREE.
Saturday: $25.00 adults, youth 7-12 $5.00 and children 6 and under FREE.
Sunday: $17.00 adults, youth 7-12 $5.00 and children 6 and under FREE.
Weekend Combo: $50.00 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday entrance tickets only).
SUNDAY ONLY: Active Military Discount $10.00 - Must show Military ID.
PARKING: Autos - $5.00. Buses and Motor Homes $10.00 - NO OVERNIGHT PARKING.
ENTERTAINMENT: Cost is included in the price of admission. Look for special information regarding ticket packages for main stage entertainment located in close proximity to the Main Stage.
WINE TASTING: The hours of wine tasting are Friday, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm, Saturday, 10:00 am to 10:00 pm, and Sunday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Wine tasting is an additional charge and you may purchase 6 tastes and a souvenir glass for $15.00.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES/COOLERS: No alcoholic beverages or glass containers will be allowed into the Festival. Beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages will be sold at the event. Beer and wine WILL NOT be sold to anyone under the age of 21. Please bring a valid photo I.D. to purchase beer and wine. NO FOOD, PICNIC BASKETS OR COOLERS WILL BE ALLOWED ON FESTIVAL GROUNDS.
FOOD COURT: A variety of food which usually includes Mexican, Greek, Chinese, Italian, Funnel Cakes, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Sandwiches, BBQ, Tri-Tip, Sausages, Fries, Kettle corn, Smoothies, Shaved Ice, Coffee, Soda, Lemonade, and Ice Cream.
BALLOON LAUNCH: Saturday and Sunday 6:30 am launch with balloons returning to the ground by 8:30 am (WEATHER PERMITTING).
BALLOON GLOW: Friday evening AND Saturday evening after sundown (WEATHER PERMITTING).
BALLOON RIDES: Hot air balloon rides will be available and must be reserved in advance. You can contact 1-800-965-2122.
ALCOHOL TICKET SALES: These may be purchased by the glass from booths located in the main stage area or in the wine garden area. Hours are 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm on Friday, 10:00 am to 9:30 pm on Saturday and 10:00 am to 4:30 pm on Sunday.
ATM's: ATM machines will be provided and are located around the festival grounds.
Wine Stage Schedule
•Friday, June 4th
◦J.D. Priest - 5:30 PM
◦The Reall Deall Band - 9:30 PM
•Saturday, June 5th
◦Koffeehouse Music 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
■Independent Artist Showcase Featuring:
■Justin Hopkins
■Juliet Roberts
■Trevor Davis
■Aijia Lise
■Sara Haze
◦Caravana - 5:30 PM
◦Aunt Kizzy's Boyz - 7:00 PM
◦Evening Balloon Glow - 8:30 PM
◦Aunt Kizzy's Boyz - 9:30 PM
•Sunday, June 6th
◦Present Tense - 12:00 PM
◦Lucy Woodard - 1:30 PM
◦Spyro Gyra - 3:00 PM
Main Stage Schedule
•Friday, June 4th
◦Bomshel - 6:00 PM
◦The Band Perry - 7:30 PM
◦Jimmy Wayne - 9:00 PM
•Saturday, June 5th
◦Kari Kimmel - 1:00 PM
◦Venice Maki - 2:00 PM
◦Keaton Simons - 3:30 PM
◦Vertical Horizon - 5:00 PM
◦Gin Blossoms - 7:00 PM
◦Paul Rodgers - 9:00 PM
•Sunday, June 6th
◦Free Style Motocross - 1:00 PM