From Per Volquartz:
"This will be the 8th Gettogether i Joshua Tree. From a meager start of 5 people (myself included) in 2001 it has grown. This time I expect people from Washington DC, St.Louis MO, Salt Lake City UT, San Francisco CA and from all around Southern California.
Here is information about schedule, activities, what to bring, what to expect and a few notes about safety:
Place : Second to the last loop in Jumbo Rocks Campground, Joshua Tree NP
Friday February 6: Arrive in Campground at 1PM. Secure a campsite. For those who do not wish to camp but prefer a warm, soft bed there are motels in 29 Palms about 20 minutes from the campground. To my knowledge two cars per campsite, fees are deposited at the entry to the campground, after you find your site.
Friday afternoon: Scouting, shooting, setting up camp Dinner at campsite after sunset, PLEASE BRING FIREWOOD - ILLEGAL TO COLLECT FIREWOOD IN JOSHUA TREE!
Saturday February 7: 9AM Bring your tripods and cameras. Set them up - we need to take a group photo at this time! We have done this before. However it is a valuable experience for those who participate the first time. It offers the opportunity to see and feel various cameras and hear pros and cons from owners.
10AM General topics. Introduction and background of everyone. Outline of Future goals.
11:30 Demonstration of pre-exposure. Joshua Tree NP has generally very contrast light during daytime. Using pre-exposure you will see how this contrast can be tamed.
12:30 Special challenges in Joshua Tree. How to capture emotional content instead of photographing rocks, and rocks, and rocks.... and more rocks.
1:30 Quick lunch
2:30 Demonstration of view camera technique
3:15 - rest of afternoon. Analyzing forms and creating compositions that match content. Using Fujiroid material and sketch pads.
5:00 to after sunset shooting
After Sunset: Potluck dinner around campfire PLEASE BRING CAMPING CHAIR AND WARM CLOTHING!
Sunday February 8: 1/2 hour beforee sunrise to 8:30 Shooting if weather permits. 9:00 Looking at prints PLEASE BRING AT LEAST 2 PRINTS, PREFERABLY MOUNTED AND MATTED.
11:00 AM Questions and answers (hopefully).
12:00 More photography in the park - or departure.
Please note that it is completely voluntary to participate in any meeting, talk, lunch, dinner, print discussions, etc...
Also, be aware that this is a FREE event that is intended as a gettogether, with the main purpose of learning from one another, establishing or re-kindling friendships, and having a great time.
Joshua Tree is a National Park and if we ran this as a dedicated workshop it would require permits and fees.
Everyone is on his or her own, and everyone who wish to come can participate.
Be aware that Joshua Tree is a wild area. Do not feed wild life. There are coyotes, squirrels, bighorn sheep and mountain lions in the park. As well as rattlesnakes during the warmer months.
Do not go shooting alone.
Cell phones only have sporadic coverage in the park.
Be sure to fill your gas tank before entering the park.
Bring food and water.
Bring a hat and sunscreen! The sun can be brutal!
I am looking forward to seeing a great many "old timers" again and also to meet "new" people, who share the interest in visual art and the outdoors."