這幾天不曉得在忙什麽? 一封邮件两天前已來, 卻丟在旁沒理它,今天打開來,竟是兩張令人驚喜的証書.
9th in the World - Nature Division 2010 "Who's Who in Photography" 10th in the World - Pictorial Print Division SMALL Monochrome Prints "Who's Who in Photography"
每年5月 PSA月刊, 會登出前一年International Salon 的累計成績, 即是 "Who's Who in Photography" TOP North American Exhibitions 的名單. 我在 Nature. Color. MONO Print Division. 三組均獲得 - Top Ten of North America. 如今再獲得兩張 9th. 10th in the World 的証書.
張武義 上
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最後由 wendell chang 於 週一 2月 27, 2012 1:41 pm 編輯, 總共編輯了 1 次