Posted the following message at the wrong group. Repost.
I was bored to my wit at a gathering. Kaja dragged me there promising chance to take dancing pictures. Didn't happen. So getting bored from taking pictures of Coca-cola can, balloons, and endless "say cheese" pictures, I decided to try something new and change the "bkt" (braketing) setting to 3. This means I'll end up with 3 shots per picture: -,0,+ ev (under, normal, and over). For post-processing, I use an Opensource freeware by the name of Luminance (used to be call qtpfsgui) which creats HDR versions of your picture automatically.
Here's the result:
DSC_0075HDR_S.JPG [ 338.02 KIB | 被瀏覽 22419 次 ]
So, what do you think? Is HDR worth the trouble?
BTW: The processed picture is less sharp because my hand shaked in-between the 3 pictures - not the fault of HDR. If I sharpen it, it looks like this:
DSC_0075HDR_Sharpen.JPG [ 361.53 KIB | 被瀏覽 22419 次 ]