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註冊時間: 週四 2月 15, 2007 12:18 am 文章: 873
《呵護地球 關愛家園》 ——TOOLOTS杯國際環境攝影比賽徵稿啟事
主辦单位: 美國洛杉磯國際攝影家協會 International Photographers Association of Los Angeles TOOLOTS股份有限公司(美国) 協辦單位: 美國留學生協會聯盟 US Overseas Student Union
赛事简介: 當今世界一重要議題就是氣候變遷,環境保護,我們的命運與環境息息相關,要積極維護我們的生態環境,做到可持續性發展,重視了環保才會有好的自然生態。我們舉辦以環境保護為主題的攝影比賽,意在通過攝影作品積極引導更多的人們關注,參與到環境改善與生物多樣性保護行動,影響和帶動人們的環境保護意識,共同關心,關注我們賴以生存的生態環境。
参赛细则: 攝影比賽分兩大類別: A:纪实类: 記錄人類對周圍環境積極和消極的影響,反映人與自然的關係、其作品應關注於當今世界的環境問題,體現人類行為與自然環境的關係、人類活動對於環境的影響,作品令人深思或具有啟發性,使觀者思考各種生命的聯繫。 1,接受單幅或者組照,作品須為2015年-2021年原創作品。 2,每件作品除標題外,應有簡要說明,包括時間、地點、事件、結果等要點。 3,不接受電腦後期合成處理、過渡渲染等加工作品。 B:自然类: 人與生物共同生活在地球上,生物屬於自然,也是環境的一個組成部分,從飛禽走獸到昆蟲植物,每個個體生命都是生機勃勃的生命,展現生物個體或群體的形態、特點,以及生物與自然環境、生物與生物間的關係,歡迎廣大攝影人用攝影定格野生動、植物們的生態,用心去發現和記錄它們的美麗和故事。 1,接受單幅或者組照,作品須為2015年-2021年原創作品。 2,不接受電腦後期合成處理、過渡渲染等加工作品。
参赛对象: 全球專業攝影師、攝影愛好者均可參與,不分年齡、性別、國籍,攝影器材不限,所收稿件不予退還,請參與者自留底稿。 協會官網有專欄:http://photosalonla.org/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8796 請關注合格參賽作品,請勿跟貼。 活動不向參與者收取任何費用! 作品要求: 1.參賽作品黑白彩色均可,可以單張或組照,但每一類投稿數量不超過5幅。 (組照4-8張算1幅) 2.所有作品均須以RGB色彩模式,JPG格式保存,且照片文件中須保留EXIF數據信息。單幅文件不小於2Mb,長邊不低於3000,分辨率 300dpi。 3.上傳作品同時請在郵件內附上作品名稱,作者正式姓名,地址,電話電郵聯繫方式。 圖片命名規則:作者姓名-作品名稱-序號,(例:王xx-美國大峽谷-001.jpg)。 4.作品不得添加任何影響攝影作品的內容,包括LOGO、簽名、水印及修飾性邊框,可裁剪與簡單調色;不接受任意改變原始照片元素與後期創意虛構作品。 5.參賽者作品需具有獨立、完整版權,並保證其作品不侵犯他人權益,涉及肖像權、著作權均由參賽者自行負責。 6. 同一幅作品或同一組組照只得參加一個組別,不得重複投稿。
投稿方式: 參賽作品發至洛杉磯國際攝影家協會官方郵箱:ipala2012@gmail.com
奖项设置: 記實類: 1 金質收藏作品1件 獎金 $500,獎杯一座,榮譽證書。 2 銀質收藏作品2件 獎金 $300,獎杯一座,榮譽證書。 3 銅質收藏作品3件 獎金 $200,獎杯一座,榮譽證書。 4 優秀收藏作品8件 獎金 $100,榮譽證書。 5.入選收藏作品15件,頒發入選榮譽證書。
自然類: 1 金質收藏作品1件 獎金 $500,獎杯一座,榮譽證書。 2 銀質收藏作品2件 獎金 $300,獎杯一座,榮譽證書。 3 銅質收藏作品3件 獎金 $200,獎杯一座,榮譽證書。 4 優秀收藏作品8件 獎金 $100,榮譽證書。 5.入選收藏作品15件,頒發入選榮譽證書。
作品评审: 評選原則:公平、公正、公開! 徵集作品截稿後,由組委會組織中外知名攝影家、人文學者等專家評審團,評選出獲獎及入選作品。獲獎、入選作品、作者在《呵護地球 關愛家園》主辦方官網、微信平台、媒體公開發布。
赛事日程: 截稿日期:2021年12月30日(美國洛杉磯時間中午12點整) 作品評選:2022年01月10日 成績公佈:2022年01月20日
参赛规则及免责声明: 1.參賽者必須擁有參賽作品的有效版權,大賽組委會擁有獲獎、入選作品的使用權,包括出版、展覽、專題網站使用等,不另付稿酬。參賽作品所涉及的名譽權、肖像權、著作權等相應的法律責任,均由參與者個人承擔。
* 本次活動的最終解釋權歸主辦單位,參加本次活動即視為同意並遵守本次活動各項規程。 * 評比公佈後根據屆時疫情情況再決定是否有頒獎慶祝活動。 * 洛杉磯國際攝影家協會接受為本活動的贊助捐贈,以後還準備每2年舉辦一次攝影大賽。“Caring for the Earth, Caring for Our Home” Photo Contest Organized and Presented by International Photographers Association of Los Angeles (IPALA) and TOOLOTS, INC. (USA)
Introduction: Climate change and environmental protection are important issues in today's world. Human destiny is closely related to the environment. We must actively maintain our ecological environment and achieve sustainable development. Only by paying attention to environmental protection can we have a good natural ecology. Our purpose for holding a photography competition with the theme of environmental protection is aiming to raise awareness of the general public through photographic works, participating in environmental improvement and biodiversity conservation actions, and influencing and driving people’s awareness of environmental protection.
Entry rules: The photography competition is divided into two categories: A: Documentary category: Records the positive and negative impacts of humans on the surrounding environment, reflects the relationship between man and nature. Photos should focus on environmental issues of today in the world, reflect the relationship between human behavior and the natural environment and the impact of human activities on the environment. Photos should also be thought-provoking and enlightening and make the viewer think about the connection of various lives. 1. Single or group photos are accepted. Photo(s) must be original works between 2015 to 2021. 2. Each photo entry must have a title, a brief description (caption), including key information such as time, place, event, and outcome. 3. Processed works such as computer composites and unnatural Photoshop are automatically disqualified.
B: Nature category: Humans and other living creatures coexist on earth. Living things belong to nature and are also an integral part of the environment. From birds and wild animals to insects and plants, each individual life is vibrant, showing shapes and unique biological characteristics. Photographers are encouraged to show, through photography, the relationship between nature and various creatures. Freeze the moment of wild animals and plants as they interact with nature and to discover and record their beauty and stories.
1. Single or group photos are accepted, and the works must be original works from 2015 to 2021. 2. Processed works such as computer composites and artificial Photoshop are automatically disqualified. Entrants/Participants: Professional photographers and photo enthusiasts from all over the world can participate, regardless of age, gender, nationality, and photographic equipment. Photo contest official website: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8796 Samples of qualifying photos are provided on the website, please do not post follow-up photos. There is no fee to enter.
Photos requirements: 1. Entries can be color or black & white, and can be single or group photos. The number of submissions for each category should not exceed 5. (4-8 photos in a group count as 1 photo) 2. All works must be saved in RGB color mode, JPG format, and EXIF data information must be retained in the photo file. A single file (photo) is not less than 2MB, the long side is not less than 3000, and the resolution is 300dpi. 3. When uploading photos, please include the name of the work, the author's official/legal name, address, telephone and email contact information in the submission email. Picture naming rules: author name-work name-serial number, (for example: Smith xx-American Grand Canyon-001.jpg). 4. Photos must not add any content that affects the photographic work, including LOGO, signature, watermark and decorative borders. Photos canbe cropped and simple color adjustments are accepted; deliberate changes to the original photo elements and post-creative fictional works are not accepted. 5. The entrant’s submission must have an independent and complete copyright, must guarantee that it does not infringe on the rights and interests of others. The entrants are responsible for the rights of portraits and copyrights. 6. The same work or the same group of photos can only participate in one category. Cross category submissions are not allowed.
Submission method: Please send your photos to the official email address of the Los Angeles International Photographers Association: ipala2012@gmail.com Prizes: Documentary category: One winner. Gold collection work, prize money of $500, a trophy, and a certificate of honor. Two winners. Silver collection work, prize money of $300, a trophy, and a certificate of honor. Three winners. Bronze collection work, prize money of $200, a trophy, and a certificate of honor. Eight winners. Outstanding collection work, prize money $100, honorary certificate. Fifteen winners. Selected collection work will be awarded a certificate of honor.
Nature category: One winner. Gold collection work, prize money of $500, a trophy, and a certificate of honor. Two winners. Silver collection works, prize money of $300, a trophy, and a certificate of honor. Three winners. Bronze collection work, prize money of $200, a trophy, and a certificate of honor. Eight winners. Outstanding collection work, prize money of $100, honorary certificate. Fifteen winners. Selected collection will be awarded with a certificate of honor. The prize money of the winners will be awarded in the form of official checks (or choice of gift cards). Physical certificates are sent by mail. The top three winners in the vicinity of Los Angeles will receive the "TOOLOTS Cup International Environmental Photography Contest" trophy. Judging: Winner selection principle: fair, just and open! After receipt of all entries by the deadline, the organizer will assemble a jury of experts such as well-known photographers and humanities scholars to select the winning photos. Winners and winning photos will be announce and publicized on the official website of the organizer of "Care for the Earth, Care for Your Home", WeChat platform, and the media. Photo contest schedule: Deadline for submission: December 30, 2021 (12 o'clock noon, Los Angeles time, USA) Judging: January 10, 2022 Results announcement: January 20, 2022 The organizer reserves the right to postpone the announcement of the contest results if natural disasters or pandemic prevent judges from participating on-site review of the submissions. Entry rules and disclaimer: Participants must own the valid copyright of the entries. The organizing committee of the competition reserves the right to use the winning and selected works, including publication, exhibition, use of thematic websites, etc., without additional remuneration. The corresponding legal responsibilities such as reputation rights, image rights, copyrights, etc. involved in the entries shall be borne by the participants themselves. 2. After the submission deadline, well-known photography experts will be invited to conduct fair and impartial selections. After passing the final review and winning the award, the organizing committee will uniformly send email notifications to the winners. Winners then must provide the photo details of the entries. Participants must keep the original data files taken by the digital camera and submit the original data files to the organizing committee within the specified time. Those who fail to provide them within the specified time will be deemed forfeiture. * The final interpretation right of this event belongs to the organizer. Participants agree to abide by the rules of this event when making submissions. * After the winners are determined, it will be decided whether there will be awards ceremony based on the pandemic situation at that time. Awards ceremony will be conducted according to California laws * The Los Angeles International Photographers Association (IPALA) accepts sponsorship donations for this event, and plans to hold a photography contest every two years in the future.