International Photographers Association of Los Angeles 洛杉磯國際攝影家協會

We don't make a photograph just with a camera; we bring to the act of photography all the books we have read, the movies we have seen, the music we have heard, the people we have loved. -Ansel Adams
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 文章主題 : 画册前言 中英版
文章發表於 : 週四 6月 04, 2009 12:34 am 

註冊時間: 週五 6月 06, 2008 9:56 am
文章: 280
Per request from leaders of our club, I have translated XianRen's original preface and posted it below for you all to review. Because the differences in the language cultures (Because of the lack of strict grammar rules, Chinese writing tends to have loose phrases and 俗語 that could have vague meanings. English is more structural and requires sentences to be more precised and clear with proper components), I have deliberately expand some of the Chinese sentences in order to clearly convey the thought. The goal is not just to translate the writing but to also make it sound and flow smoothly just as it was written in English originally. So, please help me correct them if there is any mis-interpretation.

Following is the complete translation:


Based in Southern California grand Los Angeles area, Los Angeles Photography Salon (LAPS) consists of a group of art enthusiasts who come from various locations, backgrounds and professions and join the LAPS organization with their common passion for photography.

Since the founding of LAPS in 2007, the organization has been a magnet center for enthusiastic photographers of all ages and experiences who regularly meets at the salon every Friday night. In our organization, everyone – from the seniors with gray hairs to the youngsters, from the established experts to the novices – is equally treated with respects. LAPS does not judge or favor someone based on his or her seniority or social status (or lack thereof). Photography is the main eternal theme of this club. While an average person might have difficulty finding a photography companion, our members will always be able to find, from within our organization, a good mentor or companions. Whoever you are – an artist looking to improve your skills, an enthusiast looking to build up your camera/lens collections, or an active photographer in search for a photo shoot companion at our club – you can always find what you are looking for. Our club promotes the spirit of “Photography for Friendship”. We do not favor members by photography skills nor do we single them out by their portfolios. It is this spirit that has not only attracted many seasoned photographers to contribute their share of talent and expertise to this club, but has also brought together a group of supporting members who contribute their time and efforts into promoting and running the LAPS activities. Collectively, we devote our best efforts into making this club a bigger and better one.

As a result of digital technology advancements, we have witnessed an increase in popularity of photography. High level photography is no longer exclusive to professional photographers, as the rapid development in digital technology has made the photography process (capturing, storing and data transferring) much easier, faster, and cheaper than that of the film photography process. Not only does the digital technology lower the threshold of the required photography skill, it has also gradually brought photography to a higher and newer level of visual art.

The ready availability and wide spread use of the internet has finally provided an excellent platform for all photographers to communicate and publish their photo art works. As a photographer in today’s progressive and ever-changing society, an expert photographer or novice alike may have to deal with issues resulting from varying standards and to face the challenges and opportunities created by the advanced technology.

Traditionally, our photo artworks give insight to all aspects of photography: the golden rules of a well-balanced photo composition, the arrangement of various lighting sources to enhance depth perception and 3D effect, and the use of different shooting angles to present different perspective views. We have and continue to familiarize ourselves with today’s most relevant artistic theories. However, our goal is not simply to follow the traditional methods but rather, to break the boundaries of conventional wisdom, so as to challenge ourselves and develop more unique and ground-breaking photo styles. For us, if there exists a boundary of any sort, it probably will lie within the imagination of our own minds. We work hard and “play” hard in photography. We explore our inner thoughts aiming to produce good quality photos, and we strive hard to bring ourselves to next higher levels.

This photo album, which is the first publication since the founding of LAPS, proudly records our persistent efforts over a long photography journey. The publication itself marks an important milestone of our long term commitment to publishing more album editions in the future. While some of the photo art works in this album may still be far from perfect, we are confident that they will steadily improve under the harmonious and friendly environment provided by this organization. Our members should have no difficulty finding a mentor or companion, from whom they can learn and improve. Together, the depth and breadth of our knowledge and vision will continue to expand as we progress further along this photography journey.

In future editions, we hope to deliver more photos aimed at exploring more subjects related to human life (emotions, feelings, and living conditions) and to the world in which we all live in. We hope to capture more touching events, more unforgettable moments, and more magnificent and miraculous scenes.

We would like to dedicate this album to our fellow LAPS members and their families, and to Mr. Bao who has continuously supported us and provided us a location for the weekly gatherings. Last but not least, we would also like to dedicate this to all the artists, who have generously contributed their knowledge and experiences to this album and without which, the publication of this photo album would have been impossible.


Following is the original Chinese Preface I received from 毛主席:

自从2007年初,洛杉矶摄影沙龙诞生以来,它就象一块磁铁,强烈吸引着众多摄影爱好者。沙龙的门向所有热爱摄影的朋友开放。在每周五的聚会中,沙龙聚集着上至白发苍苍的长者,下至十来岁的小朋友, 在摄影界晓有名气的行家,以及刚刚入门的新手。在摄影的世界里,我们平等相待;抛开长幼尊卑;没有贫富贵贱; 也不论先来后到;摄影是沙龙永恒的主题。人说,高山流水,知音难觅。在这里,你不会孤独。无论是渴望提高的求艺者,还是喜欢收集器材的发烧友,或者是身体力行,钟情大自然的猎影人,都能在沙龙里找到知音。沙龙提倡:“以影会友,不以片好片坏称英雄、不以大片小片论成败”,这句话真正体现了我们的精神。短短两年多,沙龙聚集了不少热心奉献的前辈,也涌现出一批有活力、有思想、有作为的中青年骨干分子。在大家的共同努力下,沙龙日见壮大繁盛。



谨以此书,献给一直默默支持我们的家人, 为我们提供活动场所—书原广场的包老师,和所有曾无私地与我们分享艺术创作知识与心得的艺术家们。


Thanks for your help to review this.

Paul Cao
Nikon D70 + Kit Lens

文章發表於 : 週四 6月 04, 2009 3:41 am 

註冊時間: 週五 1月 16, 2009 3:29 pm
文章: 1287
來自: Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Paul, 辛苦了!
略看了一下,感觉还有不少地方有待商榷。语言上是一方面(我还不如你), 对有些字句的理解是另一方面。


1)“Grand Los Angeles Area" 应该是“The Greater Los Angeles Area”吧?
The Greater Los Angeles Area, or the Southland, is the agglomeration of urbanized area around the county of Los Angeles, California, United States. Greater Los Angeles includes the Los Angeles metropolitan area (Los Angeles and Orange counties) as well as the Riverside–San Bernardino–Ontario Metropolitan Area, and the Oxnard–Thousand Oaks–Ventura Metro Area. San Diego and Imperial Counties, while a part of Southern California, are not included in this agglomeration. (-wikipedia)

2) 我的Version:
Based in the Greater Los Angeles Area, California, Los Angeles Photography Salon (LAPS) is home to a special group of people from all walks of life, but with a strong passion for photography.

感觉你的Version 需要简练一点。我只是提供一个参考样本,不一定很好。感觉“consists of..."用在这里有些机械。


Since the founding of LAPS in 2007, it (inappropriate to use a noun in here) has been attracting enthusiastic photographers in the area like a magnet. We keep our door open to all photography lovers. Our weekly meetings on Fridays gather members of all ages from under ten years olds to grey haired seniors, recognized pros in photography as well as beginners. Each member is equally respected with no prejudice or favorism based on seniority or social status. Photography is always the main theme of our club (“eternal“ sounds heavy). Either you want to improve your skills, or you are a photography gear collector, or you love to explore mother nature and shoot in the wilderness, you will find your companion at LAPS.

往下“以影会友,不以片好片坏称英雄、不以大片小片论成败” 这句话说实在的我一直理解不清楚。
如果它指的是字面上的意思,我认为是错的。 摄影沙龙不崇尚好片大片,不对摄影技术好,艺术修养高者尊以为师,却强调只崇尚交朋友岂不成了普通的交友会?干脆把影字换成爱好/兴趣,岂不可以大大扩增我们组织的征召范围?

然而,沙龙的章程不是这样写的:“摄影艺术沙龙是摄影教室、摄影交流、摄影交友的平台。”- 显然学习和交流摄影在先,交友在后。事实上,尊老爱幼,尊师重教也是我们沙龙的风气,每有作品获奖或发表大家就奔走相告,热情祝贺。而且像我这样无技艺无作为的也会打心眼里嫉妒。

如果从字义上去推想, 这句话的意思应该是“以影会友,不(仅)以篇好片坏论英雄,不(仅)以大片小片论成败 ??”


按照目前字面的翻译是 we do not honor our members for their great works (连局外人也不会同意).
修正以后: we do not honor our members only for their good photography works.


P.S, 夜里贴的,不太仔细。稍改了一下。


文章發表於 : 週四 6月 04, 2009 10:12 am 

註冊時間: 週五 1月 16, 2009 3:29 pm
文章: 1287
來自: Rancho Cucamonga, CA
看一下你英文版的篇幅比中文的长那么多,一定会被拍回来。 :D :D


The ready availability and wide spread use of the internet has finally provided an excellent platform for all photographers to communicate and publish their photo art works.
The internet provides us a simple and efficient plateform for communication.

This photo album, which is the first publication since the founding of LAPS, proudly records our persistent efforts over a long photography journey. 改成〉〉This is LAPS's first photo album 是否更符合原意??


This photo album, which is the first publication since the founding of LAPS, proudly records our persistent efforts over a long photography journey. The publication itself marks an important milestone of our long term commitment to publishing more album editions in the future. 改成〉〉

As LAPS's first photo album, this book symbolizes a steady step in our journey in photography and is an important experience that will benefit the creation of our future photo albums.

(某些词组不宜重复出现, e.g, since the founding of laps, )

在别人的作品里挑毛病比制作作品容易多了。 :lol: :lol:


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