The first thing my part-time race truck driver friend Ken told me today was "you would be either dead or injured if you went!". He was talking about California 200 night desert race on Saturday August 14th, 2010.
"I would have asked Steve (his son) to put you at exactly that spot!" Well, because it's the best spot for actions: a big bump to make all trucks jump in the air followed immediately by a sharp turn.
I would have been there like I did before – last time I shot a truck almost run into a crowd and the time before that I almost got run over by an off-track truck, except this time the organizers picked August 14th.
My daughter’s birthday and I won’t miss it for the world!
And if it wasn’t August 14th, I’d be:
Dead with my last photo being a close up shot of a huge truck, lol
End up in a hospital covered from head to toe - not a good picture, or
Escaped with lots after match photos to post here.
I’m increase her pocket money tonight!
“8 Spectators Killed, 12 Hurt in California Off-Road Race Crash” ... crash.htmlOh, Ken didn’t even get started when the race was cancelled.
And I had 3 bottles 青岛啤酒 plus 3 shots of 泸州老窖…a way better deal!