lee168 寫:
A big improvement Kim, You indeed tackle the issue of focusing in Macro. Wandering why 10 layers? Have you try it with 3 or 4 instead. 10 layers looks awfully very time consuming in term of capturing and composting the object. In any case very well done experiment.
Not to say it has to be 10 layers. We pretty much knows what happens if there is not enough layers (blur picture). But having too many can be a problem too. One software I tried had trouble dealing with rotational drift and the resulting picture had ghost shadows in it. So, I was experimenting with different software to see what the sweet point should be. The one I cited seems to be reasonable.
As to the procedure, it isn't very hard (see picture). I simply hold on to the center rod of the tripod, let gravity pull the camera down towards to the object, and have a remote controller on the other hand, keep taking pictures as the camera slides downwards - all the while keep an eye on the LCD red square to minimize rotational and linear drift. It's harder to describe than the actual process. If you can shoot downwards, it's easy. If not, you need the bellow adaptor.