我想学扫街 寫:
Ray Wei 寫:
snowwhite 寫:
Actually, 1/320s on a 200mm lens is my rule, I added x1.5 for my camera (POV x1.5 in APS size DSLR).
Well, the trick is the faster shutter, the sharper the image, if you have a reasonable DOF to keep.
Just for this case, if you like to keep 1/250s on a 200mm because of the darkness, can I try to keep this speed but with more high ISO number if then noise is acceptable? or this is different concept here, for sharpness we should do it at least 1/320s? thanks!
There is a shutter speed over a focal length that fits your personal situation, some people can hold a 200mm on a 1/200s or even slower speed, and that's okay.
ISO noise changes from camera to camera. Try out on your machine; trying a lot of shoots in different settings help us more than shooting the same settings over and over again.
At the begining, bracket your settings, shutter, aperture, ISO, WB, DOF, and exposure...
Bracket them all, if you are not sure... until someday, your camera is the extension of your body. The day will come when you shoot on instinct, freeing your mind from the technical stuff so it can focus on more important things.