Edward Ysais是IPALA的藝術顧問Roberto Ysais的公子, 從小就看Roberto拍攝人體照片長大, 受他的父親的影響, 他拍攝女人也有獨到之處。他也是柔道高手, 除了教武術外, 他花了很多時間在藝術創作上。以下是他的Artistic Statement:
I have been exposed to photography for as long as I can remember, since my father is a professional photographer. I had never considered photography as a career choice. My initial interest was in graphic art, specifically woodcut printing. Many of my early prints were inspired by photographs. This being so, my father recommended that I take my own photographs to assume complete ownership of my imagery. So I began to take courses in photography. As I became more involved in photography, I became fascinated with the craft itself. Since I am dyslexic, I found the technical aspect confusing; but as I proceeded with "hands on" experience, I began to understand more and more the value and excitement of picture taking, and the beauty of a final image.
My love for woodcut printing is based upon my way of visualizing things. I tend to recognize forms, shapes, and patterns: especially those created by contrasts. Even in my marital art of Brazilian Jiujitsu, it is the physical patterns based on touch and response that form my fighting style. This obsession with form, perhaps partially explains my love for the female nude in art. It is in the female nude that I find the greatest expression of the natural beauty of shape and form. But most importantly, the study of the female nude is more that formal appearances. It is about being honest, vulnerable, courageous, and trusting, for both the artist and the sitter. It also requires a great responsibility and a respectful manner on my part, as an artist, as a friend, a true confidant, to protect and honor that which is being shared. For me personally, it is the ultimate intimacy and shared privacy.
Art to me is my expression of what life means to me. Life to me is about living and love. Love is about being free and being open. It's about uncovering what is really there, that which lies behind and beyond appearances. It is this understanding that at this moment in my life has brought me to artistically focus on the female nude.
I am not quite sure where I will be, years from now, in regards to photography. But wherever I may be, photography has become part of my life, and will always be involve in my artistic endeavors.
地點:天普書原5930 Temple City Bl. Temple City, CA 91780